These data come from the years 1976-1982 in the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID), with information about the demographics and earnings of 595 individuals.
A data frame with 4165 rows and 14 variables:
- id
Unique identifier for each survey respondent
- t
A number corresponding to each wave of the survey, 1 through 7
- wks
Weeks worked in the past year
- lwage
Natural logarithm of earnings in the past year
- union
Binary indicator whether respondent is a member of union (1 = union member)
- ms
Binary indicator for whether respondent is married (1 = married)
- occ
Binary indicator for whether respondent is a blue collar (= 0) or white collar (= 1) worker.
- ind
Binary indicator for whether respondent works in manufacturing (= 1)
- south
Binary indicator for whether respondent lives in the South (= 1)
- smsa
Binary indicator for whether respondent lives in a standard metropolitan area (SMSA; = 1)
- fem
Binary indicator for whether respondent is female (= 1)
- blk
Binary indicator for whether respondent is African-American (= 1)
- ed
Years of education
- exp
Years in the workforce.
These data are all over the place. This particular file was downloaded from Richard Williams at, though he doesn't claim ownership of these data.
The data were shared as a supplement to Baltagi (2005) at
They were also shared as a supplement to Greene (2008) at
The data are also available in numerous other locations, including in
slightly different formats as Wages
in the plm
package and PSID7682
in the AER